Dear Friends and Colleagues,

it is a great pleasure for us to host the Narakas Meeting in Torino on October 24th to 26th 2024.

Brachial plexus reconstruction is generally considered by the scientific community a difficult task with poor final results.

Narakas was the first to push a small group of surgeons to face these lesions with a clear-minded approach. Since then many steps have been made to improve our surgery. Today, new diagnostic tools and superior problem understanding, original reconstructive techniques and updated rehabilitation programs give us better outcomes for our patients.

We hope that this new meeting of the Narakas Club will give many passionate surgeons and therapists a chance to compare their experiences to further improve the results of the treatment of such disabling lesions. We will also try to give a special place to young people ready to understand the importance of this surgery and rehabilitation, falling in love with this subject as we did many years ago under the guidance of our mentor Giorgio Brunelli, former organizer of one of the past Narakas meetings.

The scientific organization of this meeting will be supported by the Italian Club for Brachial Plexus, part of the Italian Society of Microsurgery.

This edition will be the first after the terrible COVID period, and we hope to welcome a lot of people including those who were unable to come to the last meeting. Then, we hope that all the people interested in brachial plexus surgery will consider this as a great opportunity to meet and be welcomed in a city, whose motto, when the winter olympic games were hosted, was “Passion Lives Here”!

Bruno Battiston and Paolo Titolo


Con il contributo dell’Università degli Studi di Torino